The Kosova College of Surgeons in partnership with Sanford Medical Center has successfully completed the first Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course for 2024, held on May 8-10, 2024, at the Emergency Medicine Center, Pristina.
The group of instructors was composed of trainers from the American College of Surgeons, Albania and Kosova, and on this occasion 4 Kosovar instructors were also certified for ATLS:
– Dr. Baton Kelmendi, Dr. Doruntina Bunjaku, Dr. Hysni Jashari, and Dr. Fatlume Arifaj.
7 candidates participated in this course:
- Burim Maloku, Emergency Medicine, “Sami Haxhibeqiri” General Hospital, Mitrovica;
- Landrit Mehaj, General Surgery, UCCK;
- Vigan Shala, General Surgery, UCCK;
- Altin Sallahu, General Surgery, UCCK;
- Jetlir Reshiti, General Surgery, General Hospital ” “, Prizren;
- Ismet Jusufi, Anesthesiology with Intensive Medicine, UCCK-KAMI;
- Arta Syla, Pediatric Surgery, UCCK
All candidates have successfully completed the required ATLS certification course and test.
By developing our training capacities, the Kosova College of Surgeons is ensuring that our medical professionals are equipped on a sustainable basis with the latest skills and knowledge to effectively save lives.