Donjete Ahmeti was born on November 1, 1992, in Gjilan. She finished primary school in Gjilan, at the “Selami Hallaqi” school, and she continued to study Natural Sciences at the “Zenel Hajdini” Gymnasium. She started her university studies at the Faculty of Medicine branch: of General Medicine in Pristina where she currently lives. After completing General Medicine, she continued her specialization. The field in which she is specializing is Ophthalmology and is currently in her second year.
- About
- Basic Course Program on Laparoscopy and the Use of Energy in Laparoscopy 2025
- Workshop: “Difficult Airway for Anesthesiologists and Surgeons”
- Workshop Week 2022
- Seminar: Innovations in Breast Cancer Treatment in Thoracic Surgery
- Seminar in the discipline of Ophthalmology
- The workshop: Diabetic Macular Edema – DME and Age-Related Macular Degeneration – AMD
- Workshop Week 2023
- Symposium: “Management of Polytraumas and ATLS”
- Lecture Rounds: Challenges and Innovations in Surgery!
- Workshop on the Preparation and Writing of Papers for Publication in Scientific Journals
- Course on Basic Education of Surgical Residents – Phase 1
- The One-Day Workshop: “How to Prepare a Scientific Paper in One Day?
- Course on Basic Education of Surgical Residents – Phase II
- News
- News
- KCS in Media
- Guidelines
- Bulletin
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 3, Issue 4)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 3, Issue 3)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 3, Issue 2)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 3, Issue 1)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 2, Issue 4)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 2, Issue 3)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 2, Issue 2)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 2, Issue 1)
- The Bulletin of the Kosova College of Surgeons (Volume 1, Issue 2)
- The Bulletin (Volume 1, Issue 1)
- Interviews with Surgeons
- Interview with Prof. Asst. Dr. Vlora Ademi-Ibishi
- Interview with Asst. Prof. Dr. Mentor Ahmeti, Vice President of the Kosova College of Surgeons for the USA
- Interview with Dr. Bedri Osmani
- Interview with Dr. Lulzim Vokrri
- Interview with Prof. Ass. Dr. Brikena Dacaj – Elshani
- Interview with Lumnije Kqiku – Biblekaj, MD, DDS, Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. Syheda Latifi – Hoxha: The ability of a pedagogue is shown by creating better cadres than herself
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Xhemil Bytyçi – one of the first urologists of the University Clinical Center of Kosova
- Interview with Dr. Ali Devaja
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Ilirijana Haxhibeqiri – Karabdiç
- Interview with Dr. Përparim Limani, MD, PhD, FACS, FEBS
- Interview with Dr. Arta Syla & Dr. Fatlume Arifaj
- Interview with Dr. Dile Rrusta
- Interview with Dr. Dardan Muçaj
- Interview with Dr. Mimoza Pllana
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 8, Issue 2)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 8, Issue 1)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 7, Issue 2)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 7, Issue 1)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 6, Issue 2)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 6, Issue 1)
- Kosova Journal of Surgery (Volume 5, Issue 1)
- Journal Inauguration
- KJS web
- Congresses
- Congress 2021
- Congress 2022
- About the Congress
- Congress Program
- Second Clinical Congress Book & Abstracts
- Lifetime Achievement Award “Prof. Dr. Sami Haxhibeqiri”
- State-of-the-art lectures
- Publication and Innovation of the Year Award
- “Leadership by Example” Award
- “Excellent Partnership” Award
- Distinguished Resident “Prof. Dr. Preveza Abrashi” Award
- Sponsors
- International Guest Speakers
- Media Gallery
- Survey 2022
- Congress 2023
- About the Congress
- Scientific Program of the Third Clinical Congress
- Third Clinical Congress Book & Abstracts
- Registration for speakers and participants
- International Guest Speakers
- State-of-the-art lectures – Third Clinical Congress
- Lifetime Achievement Award “Prof. Dr. Sami Haxhibeqiri”
- “Leadership by Example” Award – Third Clinical Congress
- “Excellent Partnership” Award
- Award for Voluntarism
- Publication and Innovation of the Year Award
- Distinguished Members of the Kosova College of Surgeons for 2023
- Distinguished Resident “Prof. Dr. Preveza Abrashi” Award
- Sponsors of the Third Clinical Congress
- Survey 2023
- Congress 2024
- About the Congress
- Fourth Clinical Congress Book & Abstracts
- Proposals for the Awards of the Fourth Clinical Congress
- International Guest Speakers – Fourth Clinical Congress
- State-of-the-art Lectures – Fourth Clinical Congress
- Scientific Program of the Fourth Clinical Congress
- Program of the Professor Rao Ivatury Trauma Symposium
- Satellite Symposium & Workshop on Open and Endovascular Surgery
- Cooperation with Sponsors
- Lifetime Achievement Award “Prof. Dr. Sami Haxhibeqiri” – Fourth Cilnical Congress
- “Leadership by Example” Award – Fourth Clinical Congress
- “Excellent Partnership” Award
- Award for Voluntarism – Fourth Clinical Congress
- “Publication and Innovation of the Year” Award – Fourth Clinical Congress
- Distinguished Members of the Kosova College of Surgeons for 2024
- Distinguished Resident “Prof. Dr. Preveza Abrashi” Award – Fourth Clinical Congress
- Sponsors of the Fourth Clinical Congress
- Media Gallery – Fourth Clinical Congress
- Congress 2025
- Membership
- Login