International College of Surgeons, Indonesia Section hosts webinar “Challenges in Surgery”
The International College of Surgeons, Indonesia Section, is organizing a surgical forum entitled “Challenges in Surgery.”
This surgical forum is organized in the form of a webinar and there will be 6 lecturers of different profiles. The lecturers are:
Prof. Ignatius Riwanto, MD, PHD, FICS, on “Challenges in GI Surgery”;
Dr. Ernawati, Sp.OG (K), on “Challenges in Cesarean Section”;
Mr. Max C. Downham, on “Update of ICS”;
Frams Arifin, MD, FICS, with Business Issues;
Prof. Hendy Handarto, MD, Phd, FICS, with “Scientific Notes”;
Prof. Andi Asadul Islam, MD, Phd, FICS, with “Summary Notes”.
The moderator will be Peter J. Manoppo, MD, FICS, who is part of the Ethics and Fellowship Committee in the Indonesian Section of the International College of Surgeons, while the opening speech will be given by Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Mallawan, sp. BS (K), FICS, ICS-IS Elected President.
In this webinar will also participate Prof. Georgios Tsoulfas, MD, PhD, FICS with “Message from ICS-World President”.
All interested parties can participate in this webinar which will be held on August 13 of this year, from 2.00 – 4.00 AM. (Kosova time).
You can follow the forum through the Zoom platform or through the live stream on Youtube.
In Zoom:Â
Meeting ID: 433 692 4952
Password: ics-ina18
On Youtube: