Interview with Dr. Bedri Osmani

Dr. Bedri Osmani: The Kosova College of Surgeons, an organization that unites all surgeons in professional fields
Thoracic surgeon at the University Clinical Center of Kosova , Dr. Bedri Osmani, at the same time Chairman of the Committee for Breast Diseases, member of the Board of the Kosova College of Surgeons and Chairman of the Association of Thoracic Surgeons of Kosova , says that the establishment and operation of the Kosova College of Surgeons is based on the continuous education of specialists of different surgical disciplines, as well as surgical residents through courses, workshops and committees.
In an interview for the Kosova College of Surgeons, Dr. Osmani said that “the surgeon’s mission is to pass on his knowledge to other colleagues, therefore we all have an obligation to advance the new generations. Personally, I have continuously contributed to the preparation of new residents and doctors who follow the post-graduate internship”. As for breast diseases, he added that this disease, especially breast cancer, is a disease that requires multi-disciplinary and standardized protocol treatment.
Regarding cooperation with Albanian surgeons in the diaspora, Dr. Osmani says that it is welcome, necessary and indispensable for many reasons. One of the main reasons is the professional preparation and the ability to use the newest and most advanced methods and equipment.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is an institution that gathers around itself surgeons of various fields, not only from Kosova but also from all over the world. How do you evaluate the work and commitment of the KCS so far?
Dr. Osmani: The Kosova College of Surgeons is an organization that unites all surgeons of various professional fields through educational programs, trainings, congresses and conferences, contributing to the improvement of care, standards and safety in the field of surgery. The Kosova College of Surgeons, since its establishment, despite the difficulties in the journey, has had the support of professionals, who have contributed in various ways. The results are visible, and there will be in the future, because the establishment and operation of this College is based on the continuous education of specialists in various surgical disciplines, as well as surgical residents through courses, workshops and committees.
– You are a member of the Committee for Breast Cancer, and a member of the Board of the Kosova College of Surgeons. How satisfied are you with the activities of this Committee and what are the objectives you expect as a result of joint work?
Dr. Osmani: We are in constant contact with the members of the committee, where we have regular meetings and we are well on the way to standardizing and specifying the treatment of breast diseases at the country level, specifying the professional duties and obligations for the treatment of these diseases.
Breast diseases, and breast cancer in particular, is a disease that requires multidisciplinary and standardized protocol treatment.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is based on the continuous education of specialists of various surgical disciplines, as well as surgical residents and students, through courses, workshops and committees. You are part of an aforementioned Committee. How much are you willing to contribute to the other activities mentioned above?
Dr. Osmani: We all have an obligation to advance the new generations. Personally, I have continuously contributed to the preparation of new residents and doctors, who follow the post-graduate internship.
Within the lectures organized by the Kosova College of Surgeons, I gave the lecture “Thoracic Drains in Surgery”. However, I promise that even further my contribution will be where there will be a need for professional help.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is preparing for the Third Clinical Congress, which this year will be held on October 12-15. How do you evaluate the development of the First and Second Clinical Congress of the KCS?
Dr. Osmani: The organizations of the Kosova College of Surgeons have been well-received, well-organized, with local and international participation. Through these organizations, in addition to the presentation of the newest innovations, techniques and methods used in different countries, the past congresses have been a good opportunity to meet with health professionals of global proportions, as well as a good opportunity to establish contacts for the continuation of cooperation and training of new staff. This will affect the increase in the quality of the country’s health services, as well as the increase in the possibility to move with the latest developments.
– How do you evaluate the cooperation of Albanian surgeons from the diaspora, and do you think that their commitment in the country of origin is sufficient?
Dr. Osmani: Cooperation with Albanian surgeons in the diaspora is welcome, necessary and indispensable for many reasons. One of the main reasons is the professional preparation and the ability to use the newest and most advanced methods and equipment. I think there is always room for more, especially in Kosovar healthcare. In some cases, the surgeons have helped, either with their arrival in Kosova, or through the help they have offered to our surgeons for some training or advanced professional preparation, but without a doubt, institutional organization is needed to achieve the desired results.