Interview with Dr. Përparim Limani, MD, PhD, FACS, FEBS

Dr. Përparim Limani: Activities of the Kosova College of Surgeons essential for new knowledge of Albanian surgeons in Kosova.
Dr. Përparim Limani, specialist in the Department of Surgery and Transplantation at the University Hospital of Zurich, says that after a dark period in the history of the Republic of Kosova, in the last two decades there has been an excellent development in medicine and surgery. The activities of the Kosova College of Surgeons, according to him, are even more essential for Albanian surgeons in Kosova, so that they can share knowledge at the international level.
In an interview for the Kosova College of Surgeons, Dr. Limani, declares that the KKK is an ideal organization to promote the cooperation of Albanian surgeons in their homeland and abroad because, as he said, “the vision of Prof. Dr. Latifi and his team in this regard, it is a unique successful start with international recognition of the work done so far. He managed to bring the most famous surgeons and scientists to Pristina”.
However, for Dr. Përparim Limani, the training of surgeons is indeed a key point in development, along with the improvement of infrastructure and the increase of salaries in the health sector.
-The Kosova College of Surgeons is preparing for the next Congress. Since you were part of the last Congress, and you will also participate in the Third Congress of the College of Surgeons of Kosovo, which will be held this year on October 12-15, how do you evaluate the development of the Second Clinical Congress of the KCS?
Dr. Përparim Limani: The development of last year’s Congress was fantastic. Professor Latifi and his team have managed to organize a competitive international congress thanks to the national and international speakers and the high level of the scientific program.
-What do you suggest to be different in the Third Clinical Congress of the Kosova College of Surgeons?
Dr. Përparim Limani: I would recommend keeping the existing vision and mission. It is a meeting of nationally and internationally renowned experts in various surgical disciplines. Exchange between each other is very important, so that you are up to date with medical developments. On the one hand, you can pass this knowledge on to your team and students in the hospital at your place of work, because on the other hand, the patients benefit from it.
-Since the purpose of the College of Surgeons is to gather world surgeons close to themselves, and especially of the Albanian diaspora, how much do you think Albanian surgeons are aware of the mission and activities of the KCS?
Dr. Përparim Limani: After a dark period in the history of the Republic of Kosova, an excellent development has taken place in the last two decades. These developments also exist in medicine and surgery. In the West, it has long been known that doctors and surgeons who want to be successful in treating patients urgently need further active training. Patients in Kosova are very knowledgeable, and research exactly where they can and cannot get good medical treatment. The activities of the Kosova College of Surgeons are even more essential for Albanian surgeons in Kosova so that they can share knowledge at the international level.
-Albanian surgeons have achieved many successes in science and in their work in different countries of the world. However, their engagement in the country of origin remains insufficient. How do you think they can engage and contribute more in Kosova?
Dr. Përparim Limani: The Kosova College is an ideal organization to promote the cooperation of Albanian surgeons at home and abroad. The vision of Prof. Latifi and his team in this direction is a unique successful start with international recognition of the work done so far. He managed to bring the most famous surgeons and scientists to Pristina.
Now the task is to put this into practice. Here, colleagues from the homeland are requested to actively participate in cooperation and promote with gratitude the Kosova College of Surgeons.
Scientific lectures and presentations of research projects should come more often from Kosova institutions in the future. In this way, work can be discussed with colleagues from the diaspora and suitable solutions for Kosova can be sought. The decisive factor is not that a system is imposed from outside, but that the existing system is optimized from within. This is where knowledge and oversight from the diaspora can be very helpful. I am very optimistic here. The performance of colleagues in Kosova is extremely great. You must appreciate this, so that they do not all flee to the West.
-The Kosova College of Surgeons is based on the continuous education of specialists of various surgical disciplines, as well as surgical residents and students, through courses, workshops and committees. How much are you willing to contribute in this direction?
Dr. Përparim Limani: The training of surgeons is indeed a key point in development, along with the improvement of infrastructure and the increase of salaries in the health sector.
The concept of Prof. Latifi and the Kosova College of Surgeons, it is very well thought out in terms of special focused training. The opportunities for contribution from the diaspora are very high and can include different aspects depending on the needs: “Observership”, “Fellowship”, “Visiting Physician”, learning a specific technique of the surgical specialty, etc.
A general concept and perspective for young colleagues is important, so that they resist the temptation to emigrate.
The Profile of Dr. Përparim LimaniDr, MD, Ph.D., FACS, FEBS
Dr. Përparim Limani, MD, Ph.D., FACS, FEBS, after studying medicine and completing his MD doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zurich/Switzerland, Përparim Limani performed his specialist training in surgery at the University Hospital of Zurich. He successfully completed his research fellowship at the Swiss Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Laboratory in Zurich (under the supervision of Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien) with a Ph.D. doctorate at the Faculty of Sciences. His research focus is on novel therapeutic approaches in gastrointestinal neoplasm, liver regeneration, ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver, and therapeutic targeting of the tumor microenvironment and tumor hypoxia. These preclinical and clinical studies have been published in prestigious Journals such as Nature Communications, Annals of Surgery, and Clinical Cancer Research. The scientific work has been presented at various national and international meetings and awarded with numerous prizes for the best scientific contribution.
Additionally, Dr. Limani completed postgraduate training in pharmaceutical medicine and clinical trials management. Dr. Limani holds a Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Drug Development from the University of Basel/Switzerland. After a clinical fellowship in Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., and following completion of the European Board of Surgery Qualification (EBSQ) he was awarded Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS) in Surgical Oncology and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). Currently, he is an attending physician at the Department of Surgery and Transplantation at the University Hospital Zurich. Dr. Limani obtained his habilitation at the University of Zurich and has since been a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine.