Interview with Prof. Ass. Dr. Brikena Dacaj – Elshani

Prof. Asst. Dr. Brikena Dacaj-Elshani: The commitment of the Kosova College of Surgeons, very useful and fruitful for all doctors
“Since the work of the Kosova College of Surgeons began, the quality of the work is more noticeable, both for the specialists and especially for the residents, who are benefiting from the courses/training and other activities, where we never hesitate to cooperate by facilitating work with both lectures and practical work.”
This is what Prof. Asst. Dr. Brikena Dacaj-Elshani, Gynecologist – Obstetrician, said in an interview for the Kosova College of Surgeons, at the Clinic of Gynecology at the University Clinical Center of Kosova, Head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”, and member of the Breast Cancer Committee and of the Committee for Surgery, Endoscopic, Laparascopic and Robotic, within the Kosova College of Surgeons.
She highlighted that so far we are satisfied with the results achieved by the Committees, but, according to her, we expect new collaborations in the future, as well as even more benefits from colleagues both inside and outside the state of Kosovo.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is an institution that gathers around itself surgeons of various fields, not only from Kosova but also from all over the world. How do you evaluate the work and commitment of the KCS so far?
Dr. Dacaj-Elshani: The work and commitment of the Kosova College of Surgeons, from the time it started until today, was very useful and fruitful for all the doctors who were part of this group, because they rose and advanced a lot thanks to the cooperation with colleagues who were participants both inside and outside the country.
– You are a member of the Committee for Breast Cancer, and the Committee for Surgery, Endoscopic, Laparoscopic and Robotics, within the Kosova College of Surgeons. How satisfied are you with the activities of this Committee, and what are the objectives you expect as a result of joint work?
Dr. Dacaj-Elshani: We are satisfied with the results of the work of the Committees so far, but in the future we expect new collaborations from colleagues, both inside and outside the country, to raise even more the value and the quality of the work of our gynecologists and surgeons, as well as even more benefits.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is based on the continuous education of specialists of various surgical disciplines, as well as surgical residents and students, through courses, workshops and committees. You are part of the two aforementioned Committees, how willing are you to contribute to the other aforementioned activities?
Dr. Dacaj-Elshani: Yes, it is true that when the work of the Kosova College of Surgeons began, the quality of work is more noticeable for all specialists, and especially residents, who are benefiting through courses and other activities, where we never we hesitate for cooperation, facilitating their work, both with lectures and in practical work.
– The Kosova College of Surgeons is preparing for the Third Clinical Congress, which this year will be held on October 12-15. How do you evaluate the development of the First and Second Clinical Congress of the KCS?
Dr. Dacaj-Elshani: The Third Clinical Congress, which will be held on October 12-15, I hope will show us even more prepared and satisfied than in the First and Second Clinical Congresses, because each time we are moving towards raising the quality and work in these Congresses.
– How do you evaluate the cooperation of Albanian surgeons from the diaspora, and do you think that their commitment in the country of origin is sufficient?
Dr. Dacaj-Elshani: Cooperation with doctors from the diaspora only helps us in the exchange of knowledge in different fields, and it certainly makes them feel proud by helping their colleagues from their hometown, making it easier for them to do good professional work. This cooperation facilitate the treatment of our patients in our country, instead of treating them abroad. So all surgeons from the diaspora should come even more to their homeland, because their country awaits them with great interest.