This activity was organized by the Eye Clinic (UCCK) in cooperation with the Association of Ophthalmologists of Kosova, the Kosova College of Surgeons, and the National Telemedicine Center of Kosova, on November 7th, 2022.
In this high-quality seminar, two well-known professors from the Clinical Hospital Center in Zagreb, Croatia were lecturers:
- Prof. Dr. Nenad Vukojevic, Eye Clinic, Hospital Clinical Center (KBC – Klinicki Bolnicki Centar) Zagreb, Croatia, with the lecture “Uveitis-case challenge”, as well as
- Prof. Dr. Tomislav Jukic, from the same Eye Clinic, with the lecture “Pediatric Retinal Detachment”.
The two lectures and the entire seminar were broadcast live from 10:00 to 11:45, in all regional centers of Telemedicine in Kosova.