Jiří Skřivan, M.D., PhD., was born in the year 1958. He graduated in the Faculty of General Medicine of the Charles University in Prague in 1984. In the same year, he became a resident and later a junior assistant in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague. In the years 1987 and 1991 respectively, he was awarded a specialization degree on otorhinolaryngology of the 1st and 2nd grade. In the year 2001 he successfully defended a dissertation thesis entitled Predictive factors in Cochlear Implant Candidates. In the Department, he held a position of the Head Deputy for the research and science and head of the surgical theatres.
In the year 2014, he had become a head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague.
His pedagogic activities span from the 1st and 2nd Medical Faculties of the Charles University. He teaches medical and postgraduate students. He is active as a presenting and operating lecturer on many surgical courses home and abroad (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Malta, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman). In the year 2006, he spent a month as a locum in the Department of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Main areas of interest include surgery of chronic otitis media and its sequelae – cholesteatoma, reconstructive middle ear surgery, use of synthetic materials in the middle ear cavity, ionomer glass cement in a reconstructive ear surgery, surgery of otogenic suppurative complications, surgery of congenital anomalies of the ear;
Cochlear implantation and auditory brainstem implantation (together with a neurosurgeon) – selection of suitable implant candidates, surgery, postoperative care and rehabilitation; pre-surgical electrical stimulation of deaf (promontory test), predictive factors in candidates of cochlear implantation, CT and MRI imaging of the cochlea;
Bone anchored hearing aids (Baha) in a conductive and mixed hearing loss and in single sided deafness;
Lateral skull- base surgery – surgery of vestibular schwannomas (via translab), tympanojugular paragangliomas, carcinomas and other complicated and large entities involving the lateral skull base.
He is a member of the Czech Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkynje. He is a member of the Czech Board for Otorhinolaryngology, which is an elected and leading organ of the otorinolaryngological society. He is a head of the Otological Section of the Czech Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. He is a member of the Czech Medical Chamber. He is a head of the Czech Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Group. Working for ESPO bids, he was a member of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
He organized a local Congress “Young Otolaryngologist” as a president. He covers an organization of the Otological Day, which is held on an annual basis every December in various ORL centers in Czechia. He takes part in organization of the Cochlear Academy, which is devoted to spreading information on cochlear implantation and bone implants in various parts of the world (namely Belarus and Ukraine). He participated in an organization of number of national congresses, namely a very successful 3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS in Prague in 2015.
His publication activities includes 15 articles in impacted journals (6 as the first or corresponding author), 7 articles as the first author in impacted journals, 5 authorships in peer-reviewed textbooks. He was the first author in 6 grant projects of research and development. He held over 50 presentations in congresses both home and abroad. Number of citations according to Web of Science is 57.
He was a main author of several grant projects (Electrical stimulation of deaf, Predictive factors in cochlear implants, Functional evaluation of results of tympanoplasties, Auditory brainstem implants, Identification of hearing nuclei in the brainstem, Baha in a single-sided deafness), co-author of number of other grant projects.
He speaks fluently English, Russian, some French.