Asst. Dr. Shpetim Robaj was born on October 15, 1957, in Prizren. He completed primary and secondary school and the Faculty of Medicine in Pristina. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, Robaj, for a short time worked as a doctor in the villages of TĂ«rpeze and Arllat. He started his specialization in the Department of Anesthesiology in the Surgery Clinic in Rijeka and finished it in Skopje.
 After completing the specialization, he started working at the Surgery Clinic, where he was selected as an Assistant in the subject of General Surgery in the field of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation at the Faculty of Medicine in Prishtina. In 1991, Robaj, along with many other doctors and health workers, was fired by the then-Serbian regime for political reasons. However, this did not stop him because he continued his work as a doctor in private practice, especially in the “Galaxy” polyclinic in Pristina, where his contribution is well known.
When Kosova most needed support, during 1998, Dr. Robaj, together with his colleagues, began to provide health care to the KLA (Kosova Liberation Army) fighters and the civilian population, first in Drenica and then in other war zones. In the meantime, seeing the great need of wounded soldiers for help, in cooperation with the then military structures of the KLA and his medical colleagues who were engaged in the KLA, they began to organize the work of the first military hospitals. Dr. Robaj’s work was not only related to professional assistance to the wounded, but also to supplying material to military hospitals, the coordination and bringing of doctors from Pristina to the war zones, and the engagement of foreign humanitarian organizations in medical assistance to the civilian population. Dr. Robaj stayed for weeks in military hospitals, participated in operations together with other colleagues, coordinated work, and supplied necessary material.
With energy, power, and creativity Dr. Robaj kept military and civilian health alive at that time. After the massacre by the Serbian army in Abri of Drenica, in which more than 23 people were massacred and killed and many others were injured, the medical team headed by Dr. Robaj was headed there to help. But, before the team of doctors together with Dr. Robaj entered the village by vehicle, the vehicle ran into a mine, in which case he received serious injuries that he could not survive, and this is where his magnificent journey and the human spirit he had ended.