Prof. Dr. med. Marco Niedergethmann is the Head of department of General and Visceral Surgery in Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus and the Head of Visceraloncologic Center.
He graduated from University of Heidelberg in 1998 in Habilitation Surgery, in Marburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim and San Francisco, USA. He earned his PHD from University of Heidelberg in 2006, in Habilitation Surgery where he later became a Professor of Surgery in 2008.
His dedication in Surgery, Dr. Â Niedergethmannâs has given him several leading positions such as: Â 2007 and 2010 Vascular Surgery in University Hospital Mannheim, 2008-2012 Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery in University Hospital Mannheim. Since 2013 Head of Department, General and Visceral Surgery in Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus Essen and since 2017 Head of Visceraloncologic Center, Alfried Krupp Krankenhauses.
He has 71 publications in Pubmed and 6 book chapters. His academic topics  are mainly directed in: Randomized Trials in Surgery, Pancreas: Cancer and cystic lesions / IPMN, Liver Surgery, Kolorectal Cancer, Metabolic Surgery. Dr. Niedergethmann is part of Editorial Board of “Der Chirug” and “Innovative Surgical Sciences”.
On the other hand, Dr. Niedergethmannâs Clinical topics include: Â Surgical Oncology, Minimal-Invasive Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Koloproktology, Metabolic and Hernia Surgery.Â