Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi was born in 1936 in TĂ«rnoc, Municipality of Bujanoc. He completed primary school in his hometown, while high school in Nis in 1955. He then continued to the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, in 1963. Meanwhile, he completed his master’s degree in 1975 in Belgrade, while he defended his doctoral dissertation in Pristina in 1978. He completed his specialization in General Surgery in Belgrade. What marked his greatest rise was the completion of the subspecialty examination in Thoracic Surgery.
After finishing his studies, he returned to his hometown and started working as a doctor at the Health Center in Bujanoc. In 1969, he was appointed Chief of the Department of Surgery, then of the Medical Center in Gjilan. In 1970, he was elected Assistant of General Surgery at the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine in Prishtina. At the beginning of 1974, the Department of Thoracic Surgery was established in Kosova for the first time and the Chief was appointed Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi.
In 1970, he was elected Docent and at the same time appointed Head of the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine in Pristina. During the following years, he was also elected Vice-Dean, and then Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Pristina.
Among others, Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi has dedicated his time to professional and scientific activities in his field of specialization. He managed to draft 4 texts for postgraduate students and for doctors who were already in the specialization. Also, he has published more than 130 scientific and specialized works, which have taken a special place in various scientific gatherings and have been published in various magazines and newsletters. Another success that was achieved by Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi, was also the publication of his book in 2012, “Tumors of the Mediastinum”. Dr. Muharrem Gashi, during the years 1983-1984, for about a year, stayed in Durham City, North Carolina- USA. He became part of the University Center at Duke University, namely the Thoracic Surgery Clinic, which was his area of ââinterest. During his stay, he compiled 9 scientific-research projects, in which he participated: “Lung Transplantation” read and published in the USA. Dr. Muharrem Gashi was one of the organizers of postgraduate studies, mentor of master’s topics, and doctoral dissertations for many candidates in Kosova. Knowing the difficult years that Kosova went through during the 90s, after a full 32 years of work, the Serbian Installed Bodies forcefully dismiss him from his job. During this difficult time, he decided to open the private Surgical-Obstetric-Gynecological Polyclinic “Muemi Medicus” with his own resources, but in addition to the pathologies he treated, he also worked on chest, neck, and head injuries that were caused by the war and Serbian aggressors. In 1998, Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi is appointed Chairman of the Kosova Emergency Commission and is permanently committed to the formation, maintenance, and supply of new ambulances in the areas where the war has taken place. After the war ended, he returned as Chief of the Thoracic Surgery Service. After great success with everything he did, he retired in 2000. Prof. Dr. Muharrem Gashi died on 08.06.2019 in Pristina.